Mission Statement
A Catholic lay organization, we seek to grow in spirituality by offering person-to-person support and service to anyone who is in need, to comfort and honor those who have called out to us in their suffering. Our food pantry provides food and toiletries to low income and homeless families. Our financial assistance program provides furniture vouchers, rental and utilities assistance, and other financial assistance to our clients.
OMOS St. Vincent de Paul
1800 S. Kolb Rd
Tucson, AZ 85710
Phone: 520-747-1321
Email: [email protected]
Hours: Monday - Friday 9 am to 12 pm
OMOS SVdP is located on the southeast corner of the parish campus, on the north side of the Parish Hall. SVdP runs strictly on donations of food and money. We offer food pantry, rent and utility assistance.
In 2019, the OMOS Conference focused on serving the poor within the parish by providing food, clothing, furniture and financial assistance and funds permitted. It is through OMOS' generous support that SVdP has accomplished the following in 2019:
1. Received food donations valued at $26,381
2. Our volunteers spent 6,930 hours helping our community members
3. Served a total of 5,539 people
4. Provided financial assistance in the form of rental assistance of $7,163 and utility assistance of $6,158
We are truly grateful for your generosity and assistance in making the lives of our clients and their families a little brighter through your support.
SVdP, OMOS Conference is a Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO) and as such when you donate to our Conference, you can deduct your donation from your Arizona Income Taxes. Use the QCO code: 22090.
You can donate using the button below.
Please note that your donation is for SVdP!
Or you can mail a check attention to the above address, attention to SVdP.
Thank you for your generosity!