Are you inactive? Hurt? Angry? Alienated from God or the Church? Seeking peace? Come to the "Alienated Catholics Anonymous" series. The After-Christmas series meets on Mondays (beginning January 6th) in the Parish Activity Center. It’s not too late to start the series! A.C.A. brochures are available in the vestibule of the church. The series will be lead by Deacon Frank Perotti. Call 520-747-1321 for more information or to sign up for the sessions.
*Regresa a tu Casa: Católicos anónimos alienados
¿Estás inactivo? ¿Herido? ¿Enojado? ¿Alejado de Dios o de la Iglesia? ¿Buscando la paz? Ven a la serie de seis partes "Católicos Anónimos Alienados". Se reúne los miércoles (a partir del 8 de enero) en el Centro de Actividades Parroquial. A.C.A. los folletos están disponibles en el vestíbulo de la iglesia. Llame al 520-747-1321 para obtener más información.
Join us as we celebrate this Sacrament with special masses for married couples:
Matrimony is a Sacrament established by Jesus Christ for the benefit and salvation of the husband and wife, and their children. Marriage as a Sacrament differs from ordinary marriage; it is a true source of grace for the spouses and unites husband and wife in a holy bond before God. Only death can break the bond of this Sacrament.
Join us as we celebrate this Sacrament with special masses for married couples:
Married 0-5 yrs Sat. Jan .25th at 11:00 am
Married 6-24 yrs Sat. Feb. 1st at 10:00 am
Married 25 + years Sat. Feb 8th at 10:00am
Please RSVP to parish office (520) 747-1321
Do you have a talent you can share with the OMOS community? Accompanists and vocalists are needed for the 5:30pm and 12:30pm Masses. Please email [email protected] or call 305-3612 today.
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!”
Psalm 100
Our Mother of Sorrows needs the following: *Altar Servers *Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist *Hospitality Ministers *Lectors and Commentators *Power Point operators. Please prayerfully consider helping your parish! For more information, contact Charles Craig [email protected].
If you are taking Communion to a family member please contact the parish office so we can have the information on file. We would like to know who our homebound parishioners are, so we can help with other services as needed. If you know of someone in our parish in need of homebound communion, please call the parish office. We are in urgent need of more Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minster to the homebound please contact Dcn Cliff through the parish office at 520-747-1321. We are in need of more Homebound Eucharistic Ministers.
The Diocese of Tucson invites you to stay in touch with the Church via your phone and/or email. Every week the diocese publishes the New Outlook, our local newsletter with links to news, events, and so much more! To sign up, you can text DOTNEWS to 84576 or go to